I was very disappointed to see a few of the commenters touching on my tummy or suggesting Spanx. First of all, I would love to see what these women look like. Second, why is it that if you don't wear a size two you're expected to wear baggy, unflattering clothing? You should wear clothes that absolutely flatter your figure, but also that make you feel good. You shouldn't be afraid to show off your body because you don't fit some ridiculous mold that some idiot says you should. Every woman has the right to feel sexy regardless of size. Madonna said it best - "girls just want to have fun". If that means I'm going to wear a sexy bodycon dress and a push up bra to the club then that is my God-given right. Screw anyone who thinks that I should be wearing a damn tent to hide my figure.
I flip through magazines all day long and see nothing but rail thin models and actresses. Since when did this single body type become the standard? I have nothing against skinny girls, but I do take issue with the expectation that I should look like them. Since when do we hate womanly curves? Despite my insecurities I embrace my body because it's the only one I've got. Would I like to be slimmer? Hell yes! I go to the gym 5 days a week and work my ass off to get my body to where I would like it to be. In the mean time, I'm going to feel damn good about myself in my clothes. I challenge all of my readers to do the same. Regardless of your size, you're a woman and women are beautiful. Embrace your body and feel good about yourself. We've only got one life to live and I plan on looking damn good in it until the day I leave this earth!
*flips hair and hops off soapbox*
*puts on heels and stands on your soapbox snapping*
ReplyDeleteYou go girl!!!! In the words od Drake (which I may slap myself from quoting publicly given my level of education) "I'm so, I'm so, I'm so proud of you!"
Unfortunately, keyboards and touch screens have given people a wrekless kind of courage, and the comments you read are going to infect the Internet long after today.
Haven taken a long time to find "myself" and develop my sense of who I am, I dare someone to criticize me for not meeting some unattainable standard. I've come to grips with the fact that I'm never going to have Halle Berry's body...but, she's never going to have my quirky, virant and unique style...and that's the way life goes.
You're gorgeous. This isn't because I know you... It's because you are confident, chic, smart, and classy enough not to hide behind your MacBook when you have something to say!
I thought you looked great and kept your looks classy. I am now following.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much!
DeleteI see you, keep up the good work!!!
ReplyDeleteLet the church say: "amen"!.. oh and tell your haters hi for me! :)
ReplyDeleteThank you! This is exactly what so many young girls need to hear! I wish someone had offered me this perspective when I was younger
ReplyDeleteThank you everyone so much for your kind comments and support! I just had to take a moment to rant!
ReplyDeleteMercedes I do read fashion bomb every once in a while and you're quite right. There's nothing wrong with you being the size you are. I'm a US size 12 on the bottom and for the most part my style very tomboy(ish). That is who I've always been and I do appreciate other people and their PERSONAL style. Truth is we can't all dress like each other and that's the variety life has to offer. We have skinny folks, average sized and those who aren't so average but that's okay. The world is big enough to accommodate all of us. I believe that all one should always strive to do is to be open minded and respect other people and their choices.
ReplyDeleteI think you're style is great and it works for you.
Thank you so much for your comment! I think the main thing is understanding the difference between fashion and style. I'm not a super trendy girl and I never will be. My style has always been very classic...lots of clean lines, neutral colors, and simple silhouettes. Style is taking fashion and making it yours! Thanks for reading!
DeleteWell said cousin... Growing up I had crazy insecurities about my ridiculously skinny frame. As we got older and closer I always admired your confidence, so much so that I imitated it and, eventually, gained my own. You have long been the only person with total veto power over my fashion choices for a reason, and I'll continue to take my style cues from you over blog trolling mean girls who don't show their own faces (much less bodies). Muahs!
ReplyDeleteYes!! I wanted to make the point that it's not about fat v thin or thick v lanky or whatever. It's about being fabulous women! Sometimes faking it until you make it is the best way to go!
DeleteMercedes - I didn't know you had a blog (I'm obviously following now :)) - so the blogosphere is super harsh. Every time I read a mean comment about one of my faves I want to send that person an e-slap. People have a lot more courage on the net that they do in person. Your confidence has always boded, and you look great, WERQ!
ReplyDeleteI don't know what it is about the internet that can just bring out the worst in some people! Thanks for following. I'll have to reach out to you to get some pointers!! :)